Email Disclaimer:

Analytics (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Services Provider. This communication is confidential and may contain personal, privileged or copyright information and is intended only for the use of the intended recipient. You may not present this message to another party without consent from the sender. If you have received this communication in error and you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by email and delete this communication. Any review, retransmission, disclosing, copying, printing, distributing, or taking any action in reliance to the contents of this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This communication is not a binding agreement and does not conclude an agreement without the express confirmation of the sender or in the event of the sender not having the appropriate authority, a director of the Company. The Company does not certify that this communication is free of viruses or defects as the data contained in this communication may be intercepted or corrupted. You are encouraged to verify the data contained in this communication. The Company accepts no liability of whatever nature for any loss, liability, damage, or expense resulting directly or indirectly from the receipt of this communication or access of any data which is contained in or attached to this communication. Any action taken on the basis of this communication is at the reader’s own risk. Any views or opinions expressed in this communication are those of the individual sender and do not necessarily represent those of the Company, except where the sender specifically states them to be the view of the Company. The Company is not liable for the security of information sent to you by electronic means at your request, nor for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in the communication nor for any delay in its receipt. Extra caution should be taken when relying on bank account information that is sent by electronic communication. Before you transfer any funds, please call the Company to verify that the bank account details are correct. Hackers and cyber criminals may intercept communication and alter the data provided to convince you to pay funds into their fraudulent bank account. Please be extra cautious if you receive communication advising a change in bank account details. If you receive any communication of this nature, please check with the Company first.

This communication does not constitute an offer or the solicitation of an offer for the sale or purchase of any currency, security or any other financial product. The information and any statements and opinions contained in this communication and made available, whether written, oral or implied, are recorded and expressed in good faith and in reliance on sources believed to be credible. The information is of a general nature only and does not take into account any investor’s objectives, financial situations or needs. The information does not constitute any form of advice, guidance or recommendation and it should not be used, relied upon or treated as a substitute for specific, professional advice. It is, therefore, recommended that you take particular care and obtain appropriate legal, tax, investment and/or other professional advice and formulate an investment strategy that would suit your risk profile prior to acting on such information and to consider whether any recommendation is appropriate considering your own objectives and particular needs. Past performance discussed is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Forecasts are not guaranteed and provided for illustrative purposes only. Although the information provided and statements of fact are obtained from sources that we consider reliable, no representation, warranty, undertaking or guarantee is given on the accuracy and/or completeness of such information or the correctness of such opinions. The Company will have no liability of whatever nature and however arising in respect of any claim, damages, loss or expenses suffered directly or indirectly by the investor acting on the information contained in this communication. No guarantee of investment performance or capital protection should be inferred from any of the information contained in this document. Views are subject to change, without prior notice, on the basis of additional or new research, new facts or developments. All data is in base currency terms unless otherwise indicated, and sourced as disclosed.


Website Disclaimer:

Copyright in all website content (“content”) made available through this website is protected by intellectual property law. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, retransmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication, broadcast or other use, or exploitation of this material will constitute an infringement of such protection. The copyright in all material of Portfolio Analytics (Pty) Ltd (referred to as “Analytics”) published on this website shall continue to vest in Analytics. Your access to this website, and the information contained on it, does not in any way convey or transfer any right in or to the intellectual property rights of Analytics. If you so wish, Analytics hereby authorises you to view, copy, download to a local drive, print and distribute the content of this website, or any part thereof, if:

  • The content is used for personal information purposes only;
  • The content is used for non-commercial purposes. You are expressly prohibited from incorporating any material of Analytics’ proprietary material from this website in any other work, publication or website; Any reproduction of Analytics’ content from this website or portion thereof must include this notice in its entirety; and
  • The trademarks, logos and service marks may not be used without the written permission of the owner thereof.


This website is only intended to provide general information regarding Analytics and its products and services, and it is not intended to provide exhaustive information of any subject dealt with. The information in this website including, without limitation, all research, opinions or other content is therefore not intended nor does it constitute financial, accounting, tax, legal, investment, consulting or other professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action, which might affect your personal finances or business, you should consult your own professional advisors. This website could include technical, typographical or other inaccuracies and you are urged to contact Analytics to confirm all information contained on these pages prior to placing reliance thereon. Analytics expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to alter or amend any criteria or information set out in this website without notice.

No Offer

No information or content contained on these pages should be construed as an offer by Analytics. All services offered by Analytics are subject to signature of the appropriate application forms, mandates and/or any other documentation relating thereto and are governed by the standard terms and conditions of Analytics in respect thereof and Analytics shall not be bound in any manner until a formal written agreement has been entered into. Analytics reserves the right to reject at its discretion any application submitted for services contained on this website.

Transmission of Information

Information transmitted via the Internet, including e-mail, is susceptible to monitoring and interception. You are discouraged from transmitting to Analytics any information, which may be confidential, proprietary, or sensitive. You shall bear all risk of transmitting such information in this manner and under no circumstances will Analytics be liable for any loss, harm or damage suffered by you as a result thereof. Analytics reserves the right to request independent verification of any information transmitted via email.

Links to Third Party Sites

Analytics may provide hypertext links to websites on the Internet which are operated by third parties. Visitors are advised to use caution and discretion when searching or accessing such links. Under no circumstances does Analytics take responsibility for the content and/or services or products offered on third party websites that may be linked to this website and Analytics gives no warranty, guarantee, and makes no representation in respect of such linked websites.

Regulation and Compliance

Analytics is a licensed financial services provider and our business is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).

Analytics is committed to the Treating Customers Fairly (“TCF”). For further information on the TCF outcomes, please contact us directly.

Promotion of Access to Information Act

Section 51 of The Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000 requires that we, as a private body, compile a manual giving information to the public regarding the procedure to be followed in requesting information from us for the purpose of exercising or protecting rights. A copy of our PAIA Manual may be obtained from our offices or upon written request to Analytics’ Governance Team: Email: or

Governing Law

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, no 37 of 2002 (“FAIS”)

Analytics are authorised financial services providers in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act No. 37 of 2002 (FAIS).

Collective Investments Scheme Control Act, no 45 of 2002 (“CISCA”)

Ci Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Limited offers a range of institutional unit trust portfolios to meet the investment needs of its investors.

Financial Intelligence Centre Act, no 38 of 2001 (“FICA”)

As an accountable institution, we are required to comply with FICA and other anti-money laundering legislation such Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, No 33 of 2004 (“POCDATARA”). FICA requires us to establish and verify the identities of our client according to the ‘Know Your Client’ provision of the Act, prior to transacting. In addition, FICA requires any suspicious transactions to be reported to the Financial Intelligence Centre.

‍‍Corporate Governance

In terms of good corporate governance and in addition to complying with our primary legislation, Analytics provides the following statutory disclosures and information:

License Status

Portfolio Analytics (Pty) Ltd is licensed as a Category II Discretionary Financial Services Provider in terms of FAIS, licence number 631. 

Professional Indemnity, Fidelity Insurance or Guarantees

Analytics holds professional indemnity insurance underwritten by Hollard Insurance Company Ltd.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The FAIS General Code of Conduct covers conflict of interest and requires that intermediaries disclose to their clients the existence of actual or potential conflicts of interest. This means any situation in which an intermediary or representative has an interest that may influence the objective performance of his obligations to his client or may prevent an intermediary from rendering an unbiased financial service.

We have adopted and implemented a Conflicts of Interest Management Policy to ensure that we comply with FAIS and we confirm that, in the event that there is a potential conflict of interest in respect of the service rendered the interest of our client will be given priority over our own interests and the client will be informed of any potential conflicts of interests.

A full copy of our Conflicts of Interest Management Policy may be obtained from our offices or upon written request to Analytics’ Governance Team: Email: or                

Complaints Resolution Procedure

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the financial service provided by Analytics your first course of action will be to contact the following person in writing with full details of the problem, you have encountered:

Mr James Towell, the registered key person

Company’s postal address:

PO Box 411939

Craighall, 2024.

The complaint should include the client’s details, details of the complaint and any documentary proof, where applicable.

Upon receipt of the above-mentioned information relating to the complaint, your complaint will be acknowledged by an Analytics employee, who will assist in the resolution of your complaint.

Where possible, Analytics shall endeavour to resolve your complaint within 5 business days of receipt, taking into account the nature of the complaint.

Analytics will keep a full record of each complaint received and all subsequent correspondence for such periods as prescribed by the relevant legislation.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, you are entitled to refer the complaint to the FAIS Ombudsman whose offices have been established to provide clients with a redress mechanism for any inappropriate financial advice or intermediary services that may have been given.

The details of the FAIS Ombud’s office:


Kasteel Park, Orange Park, 2nd Floor, 546 Joechemus Street, Erasmuskloof, Preoria

Tel (012) 762 – 5000.

Compliance Officer Details 

The Analytics compliance Officer is Ms Jaconette de Beer (CO 6171),

Tel + (27) 21 883 8000,


Risk & No Liability

Your use of this website and the information contained therein is entirely at your own risk and you assume full responsibility in respect of any loss or damage resulting from the use thereof. Neither Analytics, its affiliated companies, holding company, subsidiaries or subsidiaries of its holding company, or their officers, agents, consultants or employees shall be liable for any direct, consequential or indirect loss or damages suffered by a visitor or any other person relating to the use of this website or the information contained therein. The visitor hereby indemnifies Analytics and its suppliers from and against any and all losses, liability, cost or damages suffered or incurred by a visitor or any other person arising out of or in connection with the use of the website or any other website which can be accessed from this website; however, such loss or liability may occur, and whether such loss or liability is foreseeable, financial, personal, consequential, incidental or otherwise.

Force Majeur

‍‍Analytics will not be held responsible for a failure in performance or breach of these terms and conditions caused by circumstances and/or an event beyond our control, including any interruption, malfunction, breakdown or failure of power supply, the internet, the website, any telecommunications systems, or any computer hardware or software.


These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.


Analytics strives to ensure that the content on this website is up to date and accurate. Whilst all care is taken by Analytics in the preparation of the content of this website, the content is provided “as is” and no warranty, express or implied, is given or made by Analytics. If Analytics becomes aware that the information on the website is inaccurate or out of date it will use its reasonable endeavours to remove it or take other appropriate action. Analytics reserves the right to alter or amend any information on this website without notice. The information, research, opinions and recommendations contained in this website are for general information purposes only and must be interpreted solely as statements of opinion and not statements of fact. The information on this site is not intended to and does not constitute solicitation, recommendation or advice, and Analytics does not purport to act in any way as a financial advisor. Analytics accepts no liability for or in any respect of any direct, indirect or consequential liability, loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the reliance on, or use of, information provided on this website. The website may contain links to other websites, for information purposes, which are not under the control of and are not maintained by Analytics. Analytics g shall not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of using the links provided on the website. The copyright and all other rights in the information on this website is owned by or licensed to Analytics. Access to and use of the website is subject to these terms and all applicable laws. You are invited to browse the website for your personal information, education and communication about Analytics. You are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, republishing, displaying, posting or transmitting any part of the website without the permission of Analytics. You may view or print individual pages only for your own personal, non-commercial use provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.

Unit Trust Disclaimer

Collective Investment Schemes in Securities (“CIS”) are generally medium to long-term investments. The value of participatory interests may go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. CIS are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. Different classes of participatory interests apply to certain portfolios and are subject to different fees and charges. A schedule of fees, charges and maximum commissions is available on request from the manager. CIS prices are calculated on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis, which is the total value of all assets in the portfolio, including any income accrual and less all permissible deductions in terms of the Act, divided by the number of participatory interests in issue. The manager does not provide any guarantee with respect to the capital or the return of the portfolios. A fund of funds is a portfolio that invests in portfolios of collective investment schemes, which levy their own charges, which could result in a higher fee structure for the fund of funds. A feeder fund is a portfolio that invests in a single portfolio of a collective investment scheme, which levies its own charges which could result in a higher fee structure for the feeder fund. Forward pricing is used. Commission and incentives may be paid and if so, would be included in the overall costs. Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down. International Investments may include additional risks such as potential constraints on liquidity and repatriation of funds, macroeconomic risk, political risk, foreign exchange risk, tax risk, settlement risk as well as potential limitations on the availability of market information. The portfolios may be closed from time to time in order to manage them more efficiently in accordance with their mandate. ‍Where performance figures are quoted, figures are from Morningstar for a lump sum investment, using NAV-NAV figures net of fees with income distributions reinvested on the ex-dividend date. Annualised performance quoted is the average return per year over the period. Performance of the portfolio and individual investor performance may differ as a result of initial fees, actual investment date, date of any subsequent reinvestment and any dividend withholding tax. Additional information on the portfolios may be obtained, free of charge, directly from the manager. The manager retains full legal responsibility for the third-party named portfolios. Ci is a non-voting Ordinary member of the Association for Savings & Investment SA (ASISA).